Firstly, you should determine the amount of power you will need from your home solar electricity system, and then select from different arrays of solar panel set-ups that will offer the wattage outputs needed. When determining your average daily electricity usage, you want to find out a figure that includes the entire year of electricity usage, taking into consideration the different amount of energy used during winter and summer months (more lights, heaters, air conditioners).
When shopping for the right photovoltaic system to supply your home solar electricity, you must research the quality of the product. A product offering 13% efficiency and a lifetime warranty will be far more valuable than the panel offering 15% efficiency and a one-year warranty. Get some advice and learn from neighbors and friends who are currently using home solar electricity. Do also spend some time interviewing installers and researching manufacturers as well.
Finally, you would need to decide the kind of system to use to supply your home solar electricity. There are generally three types of solar panel systems:
1. A grid-tied solar panel system in which your solar panels are tied into your current power meter. You are using both electricity supplied by your panels and your supply is then backed by electricity from your electric company.
2. A grid-tied solar panel system with battery backup. With this system you are collecting electricity from you panels, filling your batteries for emergencies and then the excess is sent back to the electric company through your meter.
3. A stand-alone system, very similar to the grid-tied system with battery backup except that you are completely disconnected or maybe never connected to a major utility provider for your area.
Once you have an adequate understanding about setting up home solar electricity, you are probably ready to start shopping. Converting to home solar electricity is a long-term investment and you will enjoy the benefits over time.